Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sunday cooking

I did some cooking and baking today, preparing food for lunches this week at work. I know there is a refrigerator and microwave there, so I know what kind of things I can bring.

I made some sloppy lentils with kale. I also made some italian bread, which fell a bit but will work for a side at lunch and breakfast. I've been eating Nature's Path Optimum Power cereal with soymilk for breakfast. It's a very tasty, sweet yet high fiber, multi-grain and tasty. I also grilled up some chicken breasts.

I'll make some of my famous whole wheat bread tomorrow.



JW said...

You are making my mouth water just reading about all of the good foods that you are cooking!!

Carlos Mocelin said...

Oi Barbara como vai quanta comida hein, guarda um pouquinho pra mim...