Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tasty breakfast

I had such a tasty breakfast this morning. First, buttered 2 slices of dill rye. I love this bread.

Then into a small frying pan, some earth balance, 2 eggs. Scramble up a little, put in some nitrite free smoked turkey, all torn up. Then about a half cup of brown rice, cooked. When it's almost done, about 1/2 cup spinach leaves mixed in. A little salt and fresh ground pepper and done! Very tasty and cheap.

Tonight I'm having a salad and making chile from some leftovers. I make this 1000 island dressing from Table For Two. It's so simple. Some Veganaise, ketchup, onion powder, dill relish, dash of salt. Mix. Soo good!


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