Wow! My friend
Katie has nominated me for the
Change Begins at Home Award. This award come from Melanie at Bean Sprouts:One Family's Search for the Good Life.Melanie states that the award is for bloggers who live what they preach, who try to make the changes in their own lives that they would like to see in the world.
I've had fun sharing what I learn on my frugal journey here. And along the way, I hope I've given ideas to those who have stopped by to read. My main contribution so far has been a really tasty, soft crust,
whole wheat bread recipe that lots of bloggers have tried and loved. And that is very gratifying.
So thanks Katie and Melanie!
The rules for the award are:
1. Nominate three bloggers who epitomise "Change begins at home"
2. Link back to the person who nominated you, and link back to this post
3. When you receive the award, you may display the "Change begins at home" button on your blog.
The three bloggers I want to nominate are:
1. Johanna3 at
Tropical Vegetarian Family2.
A Frugal Living Blog by a Frugal Guy3.
Frugal Homemaker PlusBarbara